Abdullah Carpentry | Dubai Business Directory

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Abdullah Carpentry
Ras Al Khor, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Abdullah Carpentry has been here for around more than two decades now providing the carpentry services in dubai. For a long time, we have been furniture manufacturers in Dubai that custom builds wooden furniture like doors, cupboards, beds all tailored according to your needs. We started our woodworks in Dubai when the roads weren’t built and the street lights were far away. In the deserts with the predecessors we started-up a business with the sole purpose of providing the customers what they needed we made this furniture shop in Dubai where wooden furniture would be made with delicacy and mastery.

In the times that we built the shop for carpentry services the talent of woodworks was small in Dubai nor was their any particular demand for custom made furniture in dubai. The CEO, Abdul Qayum started carpentry services in dubai when his talents were in adolescence. To polish his talents, he set up a furniture shop in dubai. It was a small shop in the beginning and that too with another partner this furniture store was such small that if it was occupied by a cupboard they had to work outside the workshop. Either get yourself out of the shop or get the furniture outside the shop.

Our Services

  • BUILD for you Wooden furniture according to your taste
  • Renovate, Repolish, Repaint and Alternate for you your funiture
  • MOVE for you your Furniture             

We as family in this business only want to extend our arms towards you and fulfill the furniture needs that you might want or wooden maintenance service that is troubling you. We hope for the best and we will try our best.

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