Need African T-shirts to US | Dubai Business Directory
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Need African T-shirts to US

Hi there,

My name is Ryan Findley and I am hoping to import T-shirts into the US. I am looking for African-made (made from African Cotton) short-sleeved t-shirts. I don\'t need a particular color (although different colors would be preferable), but I do need a mixture of sizes. I prefer lightweight material (not heavy cotton shirts). I will likely have them screen-printed in the US, but if you do screen printing, please let me know.

It is important that your factories and suppliers use fair wage labor and fair working conditions. If we start working with you, we will look into that. Please let know what your pricing structure is like and if you have experience getting imports into the US. Thank you!


African cotton T shirts.

We are a Kenyan company dealing with a fabic Clothings and designer garments.

We shall be interested in supplying you with the cotton Tshirts of the best quality and dependent on your specification.

Give us your requirements and we shall be there for you.


Basilio B.Joshua

Delight Innvestment

Supply good african coton T shirt

dear sir

we are african business group based in burkina faso in west africa . we can supply to you all kind of african t shirt . we just need more details about want you look and if you have DHL account number we can send you some sample .

for the screen printed we can make it for you if you want . all depend of you .

dear sir we are waiting your soon answer thanks



T-shirts from Africa


Please describe for me your full range of services/offerings. To start: Where do you get your t-shirts? What gpm are your lightest shirts? How much do you charge for white/color, and at what price points (quantities of 100, 500, 1000, 5000)?

Do you screen print? Are you approved for tariff-free import to the US?

We are in Boulder, Colorado (full address below) but have an associate in Malawi, if you could send some samples.

I think that\'s a great start! Looking forward to being in contact!



Dear RYAN,

wE ARE AN iMPORT AND Export Agency and we are interested in being your sourcing Agents for the African T-Shirts in Zambia.Hoping to hear from you soon


? Hi there,


? My name is Ryan Findley and I am hoping to import T-shirts into the US. I

? am looking for African-made (made from African Cotton) short-sleeved

? t-shirts. I don\'t need a particular color (although different colors would

? be preferable), but I do need a mixture of sizes. I prefer lightweight

? material (not heavy cotton shirts). I will likely have them screen-printed

? in the US, but if you do screen printing, please let me know.


? It is important that your factories and suppliers use fair wage labor and

? fair working conditions. If we start working with you, we will look into

? that. Please let know what your pricing structure is like and if you have

? experience getting imports into the US. Thank you!


? Ryan

Hello Ryan,

Yeah, we can get you T-shirts made in Nigeria to export to the US. It is also screen printed here. If interested further, I shall revert to you the pricelist and let me know the quantity required.




? Hi there,


? My name is Ryan Findley and I am hoping to import T-shirts into the US. I

? am looking for African-made (made from African Cotton) short-sleeved

? t-shirts. I don\'t need a particular color (although different colors would

? be preferable), but I do need a mixture of sizes. I prefer lightweight

? material (not heavy cotton shirts). I will likely have them screen-printed

? in the US, but if you do screen printing, please let me know.


? It is important that your factories and suppliers use fair wage labor and

? fair working conditions. If we start working with you, we will look into

? that. Please let know what your pricing structure is like and if you have

? experience getting imports into the US. Thank you!


? Ryan

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